Hi. My name is Max. I appreciate you all going through my work.

I’m a girl. Not a dude.

Just a heads up: my poetic skills are yetΒ to be developed. Everything in this blog is based on things I’ve experienced, seen or wished.


This is not a diary.


  1. Hi! Thanks for following my blog! πŸ˜€
    Just out of curiosity, was there anything is particular that made you click follow?

    • Your way of writing and your posts πŸ™‚ You’re welcome!

  2. Hello Max–
    Delighted to meet you, talented & budding poet.
    Your blog is very impressive.

    • Oh God. Thank you! πŸ™‚ Delighted to meet you as well! Love your blog ☺

  3. Thanks for the like and the following πŸ˜‰
    Your poetic skills is impressive
    All the best in blogging, Jenny

  4. Rahburt said:

    Your undeveloped poetic skills seem quite developed. Great stuff.

    • I wouldn’t say developed. Reading the works of all the writers here on wordpress, my skills can’t compare :)) but thank you so much πŸ˜€

      • Rahburt said:

        i said “seem”, ha. no, i get what you are saying and i think that’s great that you are still striving for more even though you already create some great pieces.

    • Aww thank you so much! That means a lot to me! πŸ™‚ You write pretty good pieces yourself πŸ™‚

      • Rahburt said:

        Thanks! πŸ™‚ I feel like I pale in comparison to the writers here. I’m just a fan and happen to blog here and there. I want to take a stab at poetry, but not sure how the structure works.

      • haha well, guess we’re on the same page πŸ™‚

      • Rahburt said:

        Ha, yup. In some instances πŸ™‚

  5. aaryvinod said:

    very poetic skills is quite good, keep going.

  6. kayuk said:

    Hi Max,
    Thanks for stopping by Where Do I Go From Here and reading ‘Perspective of Time’. I’ve had a look around your site and love your poetry. You’re very good at capturing the feeling of the moment.

  7. our words are art…you are creating art each time you write…great to meet you…your blog is cool. kudos πŸ™‚

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